Businessman TOday
The Polish commercial real estate market is still attractive to foreign investors!
” Poland is one of the most attractive countries in Europe with growth prospects that we believe are sustainable and promising. Poland is in a privileged position given its geographical location, population and the dynamism and diversification of its economy. The development of the Polish real estate market favours... Read more
The Polish commercial real estate market is still attractive to foreign investors
MNK Partners, an independent asset management firm specializing in pan-European high-net-worth real estate investments, announces the launch of Fund POLSKA by MNK, a specialized professional fund (FPS) governed by French law in the form of an FCP, which aims to invest primarily in Core+ real estate assets in the... Read more
Risk – the negative actor of investment
,,Risk is the result of being unaware of your actions”. – Warren Edward Buffet Recently there has been an in.flow ef money anto the market, which was previously detracted by Poles Jrom the banks which once were called institutions ef public trust” and then became brokers ef every possible... Read more
Now how can you be a feminist?
The observation of the world does not give us uniform answers, as is the current case with civil rights. Yes, women can vote, work, and be independent. Office buildings are full of women implementing their carrier paths – beautiful, educated, and able. Many women put their bets on running... Read more
What is investing in gold really?
Lately gold has consumed the attention of investors. This metal is commonly referred to as an alternative investment, yet is it really something new or exotic enough in relation to the “good old” stocks, obligations, bonds and currencies, to call it “alternative”? A SHORT HISTORY OF GOLD Gold was... Read more
How to start gathering personal wealth?
Most importantly it’s a question of starting and then being willing to continue gathering capital for the future. A great number of Poles, only 20 million from among 38 million (so 52.5%) have no savings at all, and although 70 % of them declare that they want to save money,... Read more
Helping others – investing in yourself
The holiday season is approaching: that time of the year when we observe heightened activity from various charity organizations and fundraisers for lofty goals. It is always worth it to join in on such charitable events. You should treat good deeds as an investment. Even if we don’t have... Read more
Real estate group investments
An investor is a restless spirit. Always on the lookout for new ways to accumulate capital. For a long time I’ve been observing an influx of investors to the real estate market. They believe in it and are looking for an opportunity. Most of them, due to various reasons,... Read more
Investing in real estate through an SPV – a case study
An SPV (a Special Purpose Vehicle) is an investor’s tool. As any other tool, it should be used only, when it is justified. There are some general rules about whether to create a company or invest as a natural person. Today I would like to tell you about investing... Read more
The power of real estate financing
Investing in real estate is a three-step process: research, financing and implementation/profit. If we do not possess proper financing, the other steps become irrelevant. Due to the Polish market’s relatively young age, and to legal and mentality-related conditions, the methods of financing that have used on developed markets (especially... Read more