The Luxury Brand of the Year 2022 Gala
EventsFeuilletonsInvestmentsLifestylePersonality 26 September 2022
The Luxury Brand of the Year Gala and the preceding Luxury Trade Fair is the only event on a national scale gathering leading representatives of the premium sector from Poland and around the world. The evening’s culmination is the presentation of prestigious statuettes, which will not only reward the... Read more
Rozwój Kompetencji Przyszłości
FeuilletonsInvestmentsKnowledge 12 January 2022 0
Zmieniający się rynek pracy pokazuje, że osoby, które bazują na kompetencjach przyszłości będą łatwo potrafiły dostosować się do szybko zmieniających się oczekiwań pracodawców. Z drugiej strony pracodawcy, którzy będą chcieli zostać liderami na rynku pracy będą aktywnie rozwijać kompetencje przyszłości w swoich organizacjach. Zapewne zastanawiasz się czym są te... Read more
Questions without question marks
Feuilletons 13 June 2019
A good education, Ph.D., first job, starting salary of 4500 PLN take home, company laptop and phone. This is the strategy and vision of the future for many young individuals. Some managed to accomplish this so why shouldn’t you O After all you’re intelligent, have an honors diploma and... Read more
The Polish post-communist era entrepreneur
Feuilletons 13 June 2019
There is a theory that 99% of people born are slaves. It’s easier to obey orders than to think strategically and take responsibility for the consequences. But regardless of this, we seek freedom, though we don’t fully under-stand where freedom comes from and what can take it away. We... Read more
Now how can you be a feminist?
FeuilletonsInvestments 13 June 2019
The observation of the world does not give us uniform answers, as is the current case with civil rights. Yes, women can vote, work, and be independent. Office buildings are full of women implementing their carrier paths – beautiful, educated, and able. Many women put their bets on running... Read more
When time is the currency, it’s easy to overpay
Feuilletons 14 December 2018 0
Lessons in saving and investing for young people have a very big gap. They teach the individual the use of only one currency: money. Well, these small amounts that remain in the wallets of students, or even the first salary of aspiring corporate employees do not require too much... Read more
Make your business travel work for you.
Feuilletons 17 February 2017
On a business trip: 7am flight, 11am – conference, 6pm dinner with a client. Does this sound familiar? You can make an impression only once, and this will decide if and how you’re going to be remembered, and perhaps your table neighbor is key to advancing in your career?... Read more
You are not the limit of which the world speaks
Feuilletons 7 February 2017
We live in prisons of our own limitations, which are imposed on us the instant we are born. From the very beginning, our parents, unaware of their limitations, superimpose the same structures on us by which they themselves live. This structure of limitation is then reinforced in our minds... Read more
Understanding Brexit. A blessing or Curse?
Feuilletons 7 February 2017
Brexit – A political assassination? To understand Brexit it has to be put into context. Firstly, there was a huge backlash against the European Parliament and it’s Legislators which was perceived to be compromising the UK Parliament’s ability to legislate for Britain. Secondly, the influx of Eastern Europeans led... Read more
Euro(analysis) – victory encoded in mind
Feuilletons 7 February 2017
It was a very good day. Only 30 minutes until the much-awaited game of Poland in football. A historical chance was before us – a possibility of reaching the semi-final, only Portugal was in the way. Empty streets, the referee’s first whistle, and that silence, which only after 100... Read more