Businessman TOday
I’m looking for Followers I’m looking for Followers
Usually when we create interesting content, helpful and important information, just as recipients,  appear in vast numbers. From the perspective of time – when... I’m looking for Followers

Usually when we create interesting content, helpful and important information, just as recipients,  appear in vast numbers. From the perspective of time – when combined with skillful image designing,  it is possible to become a recognizable and well paid influencer. Content marketing generates such a desired level of conversion, not without a reason. but what happens in the mind of a young, callow influencer,  when thereis no content? How does his promotion look?

The social media “Bug”
For some time now, I notice more and more often that the young generation mimics some trends and well known influencers, believing in the global success which will result in grand contracts with famous brands willing to squander their budgets. What is surprising, is that nothing really results from their publications (here I’ve planned to end my sentence with “nothing good”, but finally  I decided that it is in fact really nothing…). Usually – despite my editor – I adjust the written language, and its character, to the subject and “characters” of the article. That is why, when I’ve written the articles about ladies and gentlemen, it sounded completely different. Today however, we’ll focus on the “champs” of Instagram. Emojis, selfies, scrambled eggs, banana smoothies, emojis, selfies, unfinished coffee next to something with a brand logo, emojis, selfies, warm and flat beer by the Wisła river. This is basically all that  we can learn from the weekend “content creators”, who free themselves from “Mordor” for 2 and 1/3 of a day. These are trash-information, which search as hard as possible to find someone  who will be willing to follow them and learn what someone had for breakfast or in what night  club does the person plan to get wasted that day. This is a social media virus which exists  and does quite well, and at the same time  is harmless enough for no one to care about  it – it is, at tops, a reason to joke about  the author from time to time.

I’m looking for Followers
“I’m looking for Followers”, is nowadays more often said out loud than “I read a good book”. Perhaps it is this which explains the IQ level of these posts. So there is a chance that with these texts , the marketing experts will  bring the salvation to all of us.  There was this guy, who “changes water into wine”, so well and truly now is the second handy moment in the history of our planet to change that bottomless stupidity into something useful and specific. Against all appearances, there are many „saviors” of the callow influencers, because there is plenty of content on the web that explains how to create such content in the world of media and commerce. Minimum effort is enough to give up on this soulless nonsense and begin to post some information with a soul that will tug at the heartstrings of the recipients.  Unfortunately, until the creators of that content do not make use of it, what will be expected is the attention that offers nothing else but the attention.

Jessica mercedes
Even though I don’t know her and I’m not sure if she is the same person in both reality and her influential, social media work, I like her because of …. her name and surname. The name reminds me of something positive; however, with  a completely different person across the ocean. When it comes to the surname… no man will look down on a sport Mercedes in his “garage”. It’s not a problem for me that she hit the headlines because of her work, reaching  a great number of recipients  for the appropriate rate. Also, the number of recipients seeing photos of the brand bags is far bigger than the number of readers of such content. There are many influencers like those, although when it comes to fashion, I couldn’t think of anybody else. I know for sure that they can find a place for themselves in every business.   Even in that no more called the “blue ocean”  to “sail” to the edges of the  Internet and gain many customers and lovers.

Michał Rusek